20220916.5 The ESP32 board costs less than S$5 and the 128x64 OLED tied to it costs less than S$3. I have to buy the 1-metre USB C cable for this board. It costs less than S$3. The items took one to two weeks to arrive. But I can wait. It would be nice if I can program the board in C. But it is quite difficult. So, I have to settle for micro-python. 20220917.6 IDE After getting the board, it is usually necessary to flash the MicroPython firmware to the ESP32. This procedure is described in the site: Flash/Upload MicroPython Firmware to ESP32 and ESP8266 | Random Nerd Tutorials . The uPyCraft IDE installed, as described, will also be used in programming the ESP32. For the board shown above, it is also necessary to install the CH340 driver. Then the board can be connected to the computer and the firmware flashed to the ESP. Using the uPyCraft IDE requires some exploration. For example, clicking Help|Tutorial online will lead to a guide on MicroPyt...